Fleet Coffee Company was established in January 2015 with the assistance of Labit, as part of its strategic goal to create new small businesses. |
The name 'Fleet Coffee Company' was derived by our co-founder, Cheslin Grobbler, who learned the barista trade during his time spent at the navy.
At the time, he was still in high school and very rebellious in nature. It was decided that the navy would be a great platform to address this. It was here where his love for coffee began. |
Why we exist? |
Now established, Fleet Coffee Company seeks to give similar opportunities to the youth and show them alternatives to crime related activities in our communities. |
When observing the current state of the Western Cape, it is clear that unemployment amongst youth is becoming an ever-increasing concern. The statistics back this up, with an estimated 20 000 jobless individuals in the Drakenstein Valley. Labit believes small business to be the best, most sustainable solution to unemployment as this creates the opportunity for the community to be the answer to their own dilemma. |
We believe that to train youth in the community, to also become professional baristas, is part of our calling and we take it as serious as making a profit. |
The Future: |
We wish to grow into a multiple unit business that can service and provide coffee for any function and also train many more baristas in the process. We want to continue to create opportunities for youth, but we also want to start seeing the profits from all the hard work having an impact on the community. We are excited for the journey ahead. |